Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tips for dying brown hair

Tips for dying brown hair

To dye a light brown hair must be very careful, because some colors may slightly favor and ruin him, but in reality if you do it right it becomes a great ally for your beauty, because it will look good. If what you want is to clarify chooses a shade lighter than your natural tone hair, if you want to select a very clear tone that will do wonders blond giving higher brightness.

To darken need to use a darker shade of your natural tone, this is great because it gives shine and body. If you want to make wicks, then you should opt for colored tufts near the face and temples without abusing them that can make hair too "colorful." For a warm tone gray instead of dark and takes away the years covered. For highlights not to overdo it, it should be just around the face especially look great in a shade lighter than your natural tone.

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