Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tips for dying blonde hair dark to light

Tips for dying blonde hair dark to light

And even with the most beautiful blond hair, many want to give a new look or just a bit darker or lighter, but this is a type of hair that requires extreme care and as I said before, we must be in expert hands to achieve a welcome change and it never hurts to know how to do that and then we do not make a mess in the hair.

Tips for dying blonde hair dark to light, in this case should not exceed sufficient to apply a slightly lighter tone and never do it in summer because the hair tends to dry out more and discolored by the sun. If you want to darken then you should opt for a shade darker than your natural hair, ideal for winter when you need a bit of glitter in her hair.

If you have left is gray dye applying parts to be applied only in gray, and retain your natural color, apply a slightly lighter tone than your natural gray hair and they become attractive notes about color in your hair. The highlights are short with dark blonde but if you want it opted to apply very little and only on areas such as bangs or curls, and you give a touch of brightness to your hair.

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