Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sponsor Salute! 'Vintage Retro Rock' and 'Zip Zap Kap'

Iam happy to welcome two new sponsors to Lisa Freemont Street! Please visit their respective sites by clicking on the lovely links at the right...

Zip Zap Kap:

For those of you handy with a sewing machine, look no farther for your authentic vintage patterns than this wonderful Etsy shop! The shop is expertly laid out, categorized by year, and the perfect place to find those hard-to-find patterns. Patterns available cover everything from vintage dresses to aprons to gorgeous vintage lingerie patterns-all reasonably priced and guaranteed to be in great condition.

Vintage Retro Rock

Next, I'm happy to give a hearty salute to 'Vintage Retro Rock', a growing directory for all things vintage, here in the US. If you are new to an area or just visiting, make sure to check out this site for the best in retro shopping, hairstyling, or just great music. We all want to get the word out about our favorite 'hot spots', so if you know of a great business in your area that deserves to be added to the directory, make sure to contact Charea. Let's all contribute and help make 'Vintage Retro Rock' the "Number One Source for all things vintage, retro, or rockabilly"!

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